Journal of Classification cumulative index

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Authors of Articles 1984-1991

Adams, E. N., III: N-Trees as Nestings: Complexity, Similarity,
     and Consensus (1986) 3, 299-317
Arabie, P.: see Hubert, L. (1985) 2, 193-218
Barthlemy, J. P.: On the Use of Ordered Sets in Problems of
     Comparison and Consensus of Classifications (1986) 3,
Barthlemy, J. P.: The Median Procedure for n-Trees (1986) 3,
Barthelemy, J. P.: Comments on "Aggregation of Equivalence
     Relations" by P. C. Fishburn and A. Rubinstein (1988) 5,
Barthlemy, J. P.: Thresholded Consensus for n-Trees (1988) 5,
Basford, K. E.: The Mixture Method of Clustering Applied to
     Three-Way Data (1985) 2, 109-125
Batagelj, V.: see Kosmelj, K. (1990) 7, 99-109
Baulieu, F. B.: A Classification of Presence/Absence Based
     Dissimilarity Coefficients (1989) 6, 233-246
Belbin, L.: see Faith, D. P. (1986) 3, 257-280
Bezdek, J. C.: see Hathaway, R. J. (1988) 5, 237-247
Bieber, S. L.: A Hierarchical Approach to Multigroup Factorial
     Invariance (1986) 3, 113-134
Bock, H.-H.: On Some Significance Tests in Cluster Analysis
     (1985) 2, 77-108; also see Erratum (1985) 2, 300
Brailovsky, V.: Function Approximation for Incompletely Specified
     Regression Models (1988) 5, 89-99
Brossier, G.: Piecewise Hierarchical Clustering (1990) 7, 197-216
Brouwer, P., Kroonenberg, P. M.: Some Notes on the
     Diagonalization of the Extended Three-Mode Core Matrix
     (1991) 8, 93-98
Brown, E. K.: A Computationally Efficient Approximation to the
     Nearest Neighbor Interchange Metric (1984) 1, 93-124
Browne, M. W.: The Young-Householder Algorithm and the Least
     Squares Multidimensional Scaling of Squared Distances (1987)
     4, 175-190
Bryant, P.: On Characterizing Optimization-Based Clustering
     Methods (1988) 5, 81-84
Bryant, P. G.: Large-Sample Results for Optimization-Based
     Clustering Methods (1991) 8, 31-44
Carmone, F. J.: see Green, P. E., et al. (1990) 7, 271-285
Carroll, J. D.: The Representation of Three-Way Proximity Data by
     Single and Multiple Tree Structure Models (1984) 1, 25-74
Carroll, J. D.: see De Soete, G. (1985) 2, 173-192
Carroll, J. D.: see De Soete, G. (1987) 4, 155-173
Carroll, J. D., De Soete, G., Pruzansky, S.: An Evaluation of
     Five Algorithms for Generating an Initial Configuration for
     SINDSCAL (Software) (1989) 6, 105-119
Carroll, J. D.: see Klauer, K. C. (1991) 8, 251-268
Cavender, J. A.: Invariants of Phylogenies in a Simple Case with
     Discrete States (1987) 4, 57-71
Celeux, G., Govaert, G.: Clustering Criteria for Discrete Data
     and Latent Class Models (1991) 8, 157-176
Ceska, A.: COENOS: An IBM PC Program for the Braun-Blanquet Table
     Technique of Vegetation Classification (Software Abstract)
     (1987) 4, 243-244
Clark, L. A.: see Carroll, J. D. (1984) 1, 25-74
Constantinescu, M.: Tree Enumeration Modulo a Consensus (1986) 3,
Cooper, M. C.: see Milligan, G. W. (1988) 5, 181-204
Costanzo, C. M.: see Gale, N. (1984) 1, 75-92
Critchley, F., Heiser, W.: Hierarchical Trees Can Be Perfectly
     Scaled in one Dimension (1988) 5, 5-20
Cron, W. L.: see DeSarbo, W. S. (1988) 5, 249-282
Dale, M. R. T., Moon, J. W.: Statistical Tests on Two
     Characteristics of the Shapes of Cluster Diagrams (1988) 5,
Day, W. H. E.: Efficient Algorithms for Agglomerative
     Hierarchical Clustering Methods (1984) 1, 7-24
Day, W. H. E.: see Brown, E. K. (1984) 1, 93-124
Day, W. H. E.: Optimal Algorithms for Comparing Trees with
     Labeled Leaves (1985) 2, 7-28
Day, W. H. E.: Investigation of Proportional Link Linkage
     Clustering Methods (1985) 2, 239-254
Day, W. H. E.: Foreword: Comparison and Consensus of
     Classifications (1986) 3, 183-185
de Leeuw, J.: A Special Jackknife for Multidimensional Scaling
     (1986) 3, 97-112
de Leeuw, J.: Convergence of the Majorization Method for
     Multidimensional Scaling (1988) 5, 163-180
De Soete, G.: Ultrametric Tree Representations of Incomplete
     Dissimilarity Data (1984) 1, 235-242
De Soete, G.: Optimal Variable Weighting for Hierarchical
     Clustering: An Alternating Least-Squares Algorithm (1985) 2,
De Soete, G.: Least Squares Algorithms for Constructing
     Constrained Ultrametric and Additive Tree Representations of
     Symmetric Proximity Data (1987) 4, 155-173
De Soete, G.: OVWTRE: A program for Optimal Variable Weighting
     for Ultrametric and Additive Tree Fitting (Software
     Abstract) (1988) 5, 101-104
De Soete, G.: see Carroll, J. D., et al. (1989) 6, 105-119
De Soete, G., DeSarbo, W. S.: A Latent Class Probit Model for
     Analyzing Pick Any/N Data (1991) 8, 45-63
Degens, P. O.: see Vach, W. (1991) 8, 217-237
DeSarbo, W. S.: see Carroll, J. D. (1984) 1, 25-74
DeSarbo, W. S.: GENFOLD2: A Set of Models and Algorithms for the
     GENeral UnFOLDing Analysis of Preference/Dominance Data
     (1984) 1, 147-186
DeSarbo, W. S.: see De Soete, G. (1985) 2, 173-192
DeSarbo, W. S.: see De Soete, G. (1987) 4, 155-173
DeSarbo, W. S., Cron, W. L.: A Maximum Likelihood Methodology for
     Clusterwise Linear Regression (1988) 5, 249-282
DeSarbo, W. S.: De Soete G. (1991) 8, 45-63
Dijkman-Caes, C.: see Snijders, T. A. B., et al. (1990) 7, 5-31
Dormaar, M.: see Snijders, T. A. B., et al. (1990) 7, 5-31
Driessen, G.: see Snijders, T. A. B., et al. (1990) 7, 5-31
Dubes, R. C.: A Test for Spatial Homogeneity in Cluster Analysis
     (1987) 4, 33-56
Duffy, D. E., Quiroz, A. J.: A Permutation-Based Algorithm for
     Block Clustering (1991) 8, 65-91
Edelsbrunner, H.: see Day, W. H. E. (1984) 1, 7-24
Edelsbrunner, H.: see Day, W. H. E. (1985) 2, 239-254
Edmonston, B.: MICRO-CLUSTER: Cluster Analysis Software for
     Microcomputers (1985) 2, 127-130
Errata: Bock, H.-H. (1985) 2, 300; Gale, N. (1984) 1, 289;
     Hirtle, S. C. (1988) 5, 100; Mirkin, B. G. (1989) 6, 271-272
Faith, D. P.: Comparison of Classifications Using Measures
     Intermediate between Metric Dissimilarity and Consensus
     Similarity (1986) 3, 257-280
Felsenstein, J.: see Cavender, J. A. (1987) 4, 57-71
Finden, C. R.: Obtaining Common Pruned Trees (1985) 2, 255-276
Fishburn, P. C.: Aggregation of Equivalence Relations (1986) 3,
Fishburn, P. C., Rubinstein, A.: Acknowledgment of Priority
     (1988) 5, 88-88
Fitzmaurice, G. M., Krzanowski, W. J., Hand D. J.: A Monte Carlo
     Study of the 632 Bootstrap Estimator of Error Rate (1991) 8,
Fowlkes, E. B., Gnanadesikan, R., Kettenring, J. R.: Variable
     Selection in Clustering (1988) 5, 205-228
Frank, O.: Cluster Analysis of Dyad Distributions in Networks
     (1985) 2, 219-238
Frank, O.: see Hansen, P., et al. (1989) 6, 177-193
Furnas, G. W.: The Generation of Random, Binary Unordered Trees
     (1984) 1, 187-233
Furnas, G. W.: Metric Family Portraits (1989) 6, 7-52
Gale, N.: Unclassed Matrix Shading and Optimal Ordering in
     Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (1984) 1, 75-92; also see
     Erratum (1984) 1, 289
Glasbey, C. A.: Complete Linkage as a Multiple Stopping Rule for
     Single Linkage Clustering (1987) 4, 103-109
Gnanadesikan, R.: see Fowlkes, E. B., et al. (1988) 5, 205-228
Gordon, A. D.: see Finden, C. R. (1985) 2, 255-276
Gordon, A. D.: Consensus Supertrees: The Synthesis of Rooted
     Trees Containing Overlapping Sets of Labeled Leaves (1986)
     3, 335-348
Gordon, A. D.: Parsimonious Trees (1987) 4, 85-101
Gordon, A. D.: Constructing Dissimilarity Measures (1990) 7,
Govaert, G.: see Celeux, G. (1991) 8, 157-176
Gower, J. C.: Metric and Euclidean Properties of Dissimilarity
     Coefficients (1986) 3, 5-48
Green, P. E.: Buyer Similarity Measures in Conjoint Analysis:
     Some Alternative Proposals (1985) 2, 41-61
Green, P. E.: The Minimal Rank Correlation, Subject to Order
     Restrictions, with Application to the Weighted Linear Choice
     Model (1986) 3, 67-95
Green, P. E., Carmone, F. J., Kim, J.: A Preliminary Study of
     Optimal Variable Weighting in K-Means Clustering (1990) 7,
Greenacre, M. J.: Clustering the Rows and Columns of a
     Contingency Table (1988) 5, 39-51
Guenoche, A., Hansen, P., Jaumard, B.: Efficient Algorithms for
     Divisive Hierarchical Clustering with the Diameter Criterion
     (1991) 8, 5-30
Halperin, W. C.: see Gale, N. (1984) 1, 75-92
Hand, D. J.: see Fitzmaurice, G. M., et al. (1991) 8, 239-250
Hansen, P.: Minimum Sum of Diameters Clustering (1987) 4, 215-226
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., Frank, O.: Maximum Sum-of-Splits
     Clustering (1989) 6, 177-193
Hansen, P., Jaumard, B., Musitu, K.: Weight Constrained Maximum
     Split Clustering (1990) 7, 217-240
Hansen, P.: see Gunoche, A., et al. (1991) 8, 5-30
Hartigan, J. A.: Statistical Theory in Clustering (1985) 2, 63-76
Hathaway, R. J., Bezdek, J. C.: Recent Convergence Results for
     the Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithms (1988) 5, 237-247
Heiser, W.: see Critchley, F. (1988) 5, 5-20
Hirtle, S. C.: On the Classification of Recall Strings Using
     Lattice-theoretic Measures (1987) 4, 227-242; also see
     Erratum (1988) 5, 100
Holman, E. W.: Evolutionary and Psychological Effects in Pre-
     Evolutionary Classifications (1985) 2, 29-39
Hubert, L.: Comparing Partitions (1985) 2, 193-218
Jaumard, B.: see Hansen, P. (1987) 4, 215-226
Jaumard, B.: see Hansen, P., et al. (1989) 6, 177-193
Jaumard, B.: see Hansen, P., et al. (1990) 7, 217-240
Jaumard, B.: see Gunoche, A., et al. (1991) 8, 5-30
Kettenring, J. R.: see Fowlkes, E. B., et al. (1988) 5, 205-228
Kim, J.: see Green, P. E., et al. (1990) 7, 271-285
Kim, J.: see Legendre, P., et al. (1990) 7, 53-75
Klauer, K. C., Carroll, J. D.: A Mathematical Programming
     Approach to Fitting General Graphs (1989) 6, 247-270
Klauer, K. C., Carroll, J. D.: A Comparison of Two Approaches to
     Fitting Directed Graphs to Nonsymmetric Proximity Measures
     (1991) 8, 251-268
Komanska, H.: see Frank, O. (1985) 2, 219-238
Kosmelj, K., Batagelj, V.: Cross-Sectional Approach for
     Clustering Time Varying Data (1990) 7, 99-109
Krieger, A. M.: see Green, P. E. (1985) 2, 41-61
Krieger, A. M.: see Green, P. E. (1986) 3, 67-95
Krivanek, M.: Computing the Nearest Neighbor Interchange Metric
     for Unlabeled Binary Trees is NP-Complete (1986) 3, 55-60
Kroonenberg, P. M.: see Brouwer, P. (1991) 8, 93-98
Kruskal, J. B.: ICICLE Plot Package for Hierarchical Clustering
     (1985) 2, 131-132
Krzanowski, W. J.: On the Null Distribution of Distance Between
     Two Groups, Using Mixed Continuous and Categorical Variables
     (1984) 1, 243-253
Krzanowski, W. J.: A Comparison Between Two Distance-Based
     Discriminant Principles (1987) 4, 73-84
Krzanowski, W. J.: Between-Group Analysis with Heterogeneous
     Covariance Matrices: The Common Principal Component Model
     (1990) 7, 81-98
Krzanowski, W. J.: see Fitzmaurice, G. M., et al. (1991) 8,
Lapointe, F.-J., Legendre, P.: The Generation of Random
     Ultrametric Matrices Representing Dendrograms (1991) 8,
Leclerc, B.: see Barthelemy, J. P. (1986) 3, 187-224
Legendre, P.: see Gower, J. C. (1986) 3, 5-48
Legendre, P., Oden, N. L., Sokal, R. R., Vaudor, A., Kim, J:
     Approximate Analysis of Variance of Spatially Autocorrelated
     Regional Data (1990) 7, 53-75
Legendre, P.: see Lapointe, F.-J. (1991) 8, 177-200
Leuschner, D.: A Mathematical Model for Classification and
     Identification (1991) 8, 99-113
McDonald, R. P.: An Index of Goodness-of-Fit Based on
     Noncentrality (1989) 6, 97-103
McLachlan, G. J.: see Basford, K. E. (1985) 2, 109-125
McMorris, F. R.: see Barthlemy, J. P. (1986) 3, 329-334
McMorris, F. R.: The Median Procedure for n-Trees as a Maximum
     Likelihood Method (1990) 7, 77-80
Mehta, C. R.: StatXact: A Statistical Package for Exact
     Nonparametric Inference (Software Abstract) (1990) 7,
Meulman, J.: see de Leeuw, J. (1986) 3, 97-112
Milligan, G. W., Cooper, M. C.: A Study of Standardization of
     Variables in Cluster Analysis (1988) 5, 181-204
Milligan, G. W.: A Validation Study of a Variable Weighting
     Algorithm for Cluster Analysis (1989) 6, 53-71
Mirkin, B. G.: Additive Clustering and Qualitative Factor
     Analysis Methods for Similarity Matrices (1987) 4, 7-31;
     also see Erratum (1989) 6, 271-272
Mirkin, B. G.: A Sequential Fitting Procedure for Linear Data
     Analysis Models (1990) 7, 167-195
Monjardet, B.: see Barthlemy, J. P. (1986) 3, 187-224
Moon, J. W.: see Dale, M. R. T. (1988) 5, 21-38
Musitu, K.: see Hansen, P., et al. (1990) 7, 217-240
Neumann, D. A.: On Lattice Consensus Methods (1986) 3, 225-255
Neumann, D. A.: Clustering and Isolation in the Consensus Problem
     for Partitions (1986) 3, 281-297
Norton, V. T., Jr.: see Neumann, D. A. (1986) 3, 225-255
Norton, V. T., Jr.: see Neumann, D. A. (1986) 3, 281-297
Oden, N. L.: see Legendre, P., et al. (1990) 7, 53-75
Park, Y., Sklansky, J.: Automated Design of Multiple-Class
     Piecewise Linear Classifiers (1989) 6, 195-222
Paunonen, S. V.: A Note on Cohen's Profile Similarity Coefficient
     rc (1984) 1, 125-131
Podani, J.: SYN-TAX III-PC: Computer Programs for Data Analysis
     in Ecology and Systematics (Software Abstract) (1989) 6,
Pruzansky, S.: see Carroll, J. D., et al. (1989) 6, 105-119
Quiroz, A. J.: Fast Random Generation of Binary, t-ary and Other
     Types of Trees (1989) 6, 223-231
Quiroz, A. J.: see Duffy, D. E. (1991) 8, 65-91
Rao, V.R.: see DeSarbo, W. S. (1984) 1, 147-186
Roemer, H.: see Ceska, A. (1987) 4, 243-244
Rousseau, P., Sankoff, D.: The Inference of Hierarchical Schemes
     for Multinomial Data (1989) 6, 73-95
Rubinstein, A.: see Fishburn, P. C. (1986) 3, 61-65
Rubinstein, A.: see Fishburn, P. C. (1988) 5, 88-88
Sankoff, D.: see Constantinescu, M. (1986) 3, 349-356
Sankoff, D.: see Rousseau, P. (1989) 6, 73-95
Snijders, T. A. B., Dormaar, M., van Schuur, W. H., Dijkman-Caes,
     C., Driessen, G.: Distribution of Some Similarity
     Coefficients for Dyadic Binary Data in the Case of
     Associated Attributes (1990) 7, 5-31
Sokal, R. R.: see Legendre, P., et al. (1990) 7, 53-75
Sriram, N.: Clique Optimization: A Method to Construct
     Parsimonious Ultrametric Trees from Similarity Data (1990)
     7, 33-52
Stinebrickner, R.: s-Consensus Index Method: An Additional Axiom
     (1986) 3, 319-327
Szczensy, W.: On the Performance of a Discriminant Function
     (1991) 8, 201-215
Takane, Y.: Report on the Second International Workshop on
     Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (1989) 6, 163-164
Underhill, L. G.: The Coefficient of Variation Biplot (1990) 7,
Vach, W., Degens, P. O.: A New Approach to Isotonic Agglomerative
     Hierarchical Clustering (1991) 8, 217-237
Van Schuur, W. H.: see Snijders, T. A. B., et al. (1990) 7, 5-31
Vaudor, A.: see Legendre, P., et al. (1990) 7, 53-75
Widaman, K. F.: see Frank, O. (1985) 2, 219-238
Windham, M. P.: Numerical Classification of Proximity Data with
     Assignment Measures (1985) 2, 157-172
Windham, M. P.: Parameter Modification for Clustering Criteria
     (1987) 4, 191-214
Wong, M. A.: Asymptotic Properties of Univariate Sample K-means
     Clusters (1984) 1, 255-270
Zegers, F. E.: Two Classes of Element-Wise Transformations
     Preserving the Psd Nature of Coefficient Matrices (1986) 3,
Zeng, G.: see Dubes, R. C. (1987) 4, 33-56

Books Reviewed 1984-1991
Listed by Author of Book

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Aarts, E. H. L.: see van Laarhoven, P. J. M. (1988) 5, 126-128
Aarts, E., Korst, J.: Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines
     (1990) 7, 124-128
Abbott, L. A.: Taxonomic Analysis in Biology: Computers, Models
     and Databases (1987) 4, 132-134
Agresti, A.: Categorical Data Analysis (1991) 8, 134-135
Aldenderfer, M. S.: Cluster Analysis (1986) 3, 153-157
Amato, P. A.: see Smithson, M. (1986) 3, 145-147
Anderson, T. W.: An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical
     Analysis, Second Edition (1988) 5, 133-134
Arabie, P., Carroll, J. D., DeSarbo, W. S.: Three-way Scaling and
     Clustering (1988) 5, 121-125
Arrow, K. J.: Social Choice and Multicriterion Decision-Making
     (1987) 4, 129-131
Ausiello, G., Ed.: Analysis and Design of Algorithms for
     Combinatorial Problems (1987) 4, 276-278
Bannister, F.: see Daley, D. (1990) 7, 149-150
Barthelemy, J. P., Guenoche, A.: Les arbres et les
     reprsentations des proximits (1988) 5, 283-285
Bartholomew, D. J.: Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis
     (1990) 7, 134-138
Basford, K. E.: see McLachlan, G. J. (1988) 5, 105-107
Beineke, L. W., Ed.: Selected Topics in Graph Theory (1985) 2,
Ben-Akiva, M.: Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Application
     to Travel Demand (1987) 4, 125-128
Bender, D.: see Ohly, H. P. (1986) 3, 169-172
Bennett, R. J.: see Wilson, A. G. (1988) 5, 145-147
Berkowitz, S. D.: see Wellman, B. (1988) 5, 293-296
Bertin, J.: Semiology of Graphics (1984) 1, 286-288
Bisby, F. A.: see Abbott, L. A. (1987) 4, 132-134
Blashfield, R. K.: see Aldenderfer, M. S. (1986) 3, 153-157
Blashfield, R. K.: The Classification of Psychopathology:
     Neo-Kraepelinian and Quantitative Approaches (1989) 6,
Bock, H.-H. Ed.: Anwendungen der Klassifikation: Datenanalyse und
     numerische Klassifikation. Proceedings der 8. Jahrestagung
     der Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation, e.V., Hofgeismar,
     10-13. April 1984. Teil 2 (Applications of Classification:
     Data Analysis and Numerical Classification, Proceedings of
     the 8th Annual Meeting, Society for Classification,
     Hofgeismar, April 10-13, 1984, Part 2) (1985) 2, 291-292
Bock, H.-H.: see Ohly, H. P. (1986) 3, 169-172
Bock, H. H., Ed.: Classification and Related Methods of Data
     Analysis (1989) 6, 121-125
Bollen, K. A.: Structural Equations with Latent Variables (1991)
     8, 142-145
Borg, I., Lingoes, J.: Multidimensional Similarity Structure
     Analysis (1988) 5, 302-304
Broeckaert, I.: see Coomans, D. (1988) 5, 143-144
Brooks, S. R., Ed.: Mathematics in Remote Sensing (1990) 7,
Canter, D., Ed.: Facet Theory: Approaches to Social Research
     (1986) 3, 138-144
Carmone, F. J.: see Green, P. E., et al. (1989) 6, 279-284
Carroll, J. D.: see Arabie, P., et al. (1988) 5, 121-125
Celeux, G., Diday, E., Govaert, G., Lechevallier, Y.,
     Ralambondrainy, H.: Classification Automatique des Donnes:
     Environnement Statistique et Informatique (1990) 7, 146-148
Cleveland, W. S., McGill, M. E., Eds.: Dynamic Graphics for
     Statistics (1990) 7, 115-118
Cleveland, W. S., Ed.: The Collected Works of John W. Tukey,
     Volume V Graphics (1991) 8, 132-133
Colwell, R. R., Grigorova, R., Eds.: Methods in Microbiology.
     Vol. 19 Current Methods for Classification and
     Identification of Microorganisms (1989) 6, 145-146
Coomans, D., Broeckaert, I.: Potential Pattern Recognition in
     Chemical and Medical Decision Making (1988) 5, 143-144
Cooper, L. G., Nakanishi, M.: Market-Share Analysis (1990) 7,
Coxon, A. P. M.: The User's Guide to Multidimensional Scaling
     (1984) 1, 271-274
Coxon, A. P. M., Davies, P. M., with Jones, C. L.: Images of
     Social Stratification: Occupational Structures and Class
     (1988) 5, 290-292
Critchley, F.: see de Leeuw, J., et al. (1988) 5, 108-111
Daley, D., with Bannister, F., Kirakowski, J.: Expert Systems
     Introduced (1990) 7, 149-150
David, H. A.: The Method of Paired Comparisons (1989) 6, 295-296
Davies, P. M.: see Coxon, A. P. M. (1988) 5, 290-292
Davison, M. L.: Multidimensional Scaling (1986) 3, 158-162
de Leeuw, J., Heiser, W., Meulman, J., Critchley, F., Eds.:
     Multidimensional Data Analysis (1988) 5, 108-111
de Leeuw, J.: see van Rijckevorsel, J. L. A. (1989) 6, 140-144
De Soete, G., Feger, H., Klauer, K. C., Eds.: New Developments in
     Psychological Choice Modeling (1990) 7, 300-304
Degens, P. O., Ed.: Die Klassifikation und ihr Umfeld
     (Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of the German
     Classification Society, Muenster) (1987) 4, 270-271
Degreef, E., Ed.: Trends in Mathematical Psychology (1985) 2,
DeSarbo, W. S.: see Arabie, P., et al. (1988) 5, 121-125
Diday, E., Escoufier, Y., Lebart, L., Pages, J., Schektman, Y.,
     Tomassone, R., Eds.: Data Analysis and Informatics, IV
     (1988) 5, 286-289
Diday, E..: see Celeux, G., et al. (1990) 7, 146-148
Diday, E., Ed.: Data Analysis and Informatics, V (Proceedings of
     the 5th International Symposium on Data Analysis and
     Informatics, Versailles (France), September 29 - October 2,
     1987) (1990) 7, 153-158
Diday, E.: see Hayashi, C., et al. (1991) 8, 146-148
Digby, P. G. N., Kempton, R. A.: Multivariate Analysis of
     Ecological Communities (1991) 8, 271-273
DiPerna, P.: Cluster Mystery: Epidemic and the Children of
     Woburn, Mass., (1987) 4, 272-275
Dubes, R. C.: see Jain, A. K. (1989) 6, 126-128
Dunn-Rankin, P.: Scaling Methods (1984) 1, 278-279
Dunn, G.: see Everitt, B. S. (1985) 2, 147-150
Dunteman, G. H.: Principal Component Analysis. Quantitative
     Applications in the Social Sciences No. 69 (1991) 8, 136-138
Escofier, B., Pages, J.: Analyses Factorielles Simples et
     Multiples (1989) 6, 297-298
Escoufier, Y.: see Diday, E., et al. (1988) 5, 286-289
Everitt, B. S.: Advanced Methods of Data Exploration and
     Modelling (1985) 2, 147-150
Feger, H.: see De Soete, G., et al. (1990) 7, 300-304
Felsenstein, J., Ed.: Numerical Taxonomy (1985) 2, 145-146
Flannery, B. P.: see Press, W. H., et al. (1989) 6, 153-155
Fleishman, E. A.: Taxonomies of Human Performance (1986) 3,
Flury, B.: Common Principal Components and Related Multivariate
     Methods (1990) 7, 310-312
Freeman, L. C., White, D. R., Romney, A. K. Eds.: Research
     Methods in Social Network Analysis (1990) 7, 291-296
Gallhofer, I. N.: see Saris, W. E. (1989) 6, 301-304
Gaul, W., Schader, M., Eds.: Classification as a Tool of Research
     (1988) 5, 297-298
Gaul, W., Schader, M., Eds.: Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions
     (1989) 6, 129-132
Gittens, R.: Canonical Analysis. A Review with Applications in
     Ecology (1985) 2, 285-287
Gnanadesikan, R., Chairman, Panel on Discriminant Analysis and
     Clustering: Discriminant Analysis and Clustering (1989) 6,
Godehardt, E.: Graphs as Structural Models: The Application of
     Graphs and Multigraphs in Cluster Analysis (1990) 7, 141-142
Govaert, G.: see Celeux, G., et al. (1990) 7, 146-148
Green, P. E., Carmone, F. J., Smith, S. M.: Multidimensional
     Scaling: Concepts and Applications (1989) 6, 279-284
Greenacre, M. J.: Theory and Application of Correspondence
     Analysis (1986) 3, 165-166
Grigorova, R.: see Colwell, R. R. (1989) 6, 145-146
Guenoche, A.: see Barthelemy, J. P. (1988) 5, 283-285
Hayashi, C., Diday, E., Jambu, M., Ohsumi, N., Eds.: Recent
     Developments in Clustering and Data Analysis (Proceedings of
     the Japanese-French Scientific Seminar Conducted on March
     24-26, 1987, in Tokyo) 8, 146-148
Heiser, W.: see de Leeuw, J., et al. (1988) 5, 108-111
Hermes, H. J., Ed.: see Degens, P. O. (1987) 4, 270-271
Heywood, V. H., Ed.: Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy (1986) 3,
Horn, R. A., Johnson, C. R.: Matrix Analysis (1989) 6, 305-306
Hubert, L. J.: Assignment Methods in Combinatorial Data Analysis
     (1987) 4, 245-252
Israels, A.: Eigenvalue Techniques for Qualitative Data (1989) 6,
Jain, A. K., Dubes, R. C.: Algorithms for Clustering Data (1989)
     6, 126-128
Jambu, M.: Cluster Analysis and Data Analysis (1985) 2, 139-140
Jambu, M.: see Hayashi, C., et al. (1991) 8, 146-148
Jambu, M.: Exploration Informatique et Statistique des Donnes
     (1991) 8, 274-276
James, M.: Classification Algorithms (1987) 4, 115-117
Jansen, M. G. H., Van Schuur, W. H.: The Many Faces of
     Multivariate Analysis: Proceedings of the SMABS-88
     Conference held in Groningen, December 18-21 (1990) 7,
Janssen, J., Ed.: New Trends in Data Analysis and Applications
     (1985) 2, 288-290
Janssen, J.: see Marcotorchino, J. F., et al. (1988) 5, 135-137
Janssen, J., Marcotorchino, F., Proth, K. M., Eds.: Data
     Analysis: The Ins and Outs of Solving Real Problems (1990)
     7, 143-145
Johnson, M. E., Ed.: Simulated Annealing (SA) & Optimization:
     Modern Algorithms with VLSI, Optimal Design and Missile
     Defense Applications (1990) 7, 287-290
Jolliffe, I. T.: Principal Component Analysis (1987) 4, 256-259
Kanal, L. N., Ed.: see Krishnaiah, P. R. (1985) 2, 277-281
Karonski, M., Palka, Z., Eds.: Random Graphs '85 (1990) 7,
Kaufman, L.: see Massart, D. L. (1984) 1, 280-280
Kaufman, L., Rousseeuw, P. J.: Finding Groups in Data: An
     Introduction to Cluster Analysis (1991) 8, 277-279
Kempton, R. A.: see Digby, P. G. N. (1991) 8, 271-273
Kiers, H. A. L.: Three-Way Methods for the Analysis of
     Qualitative and Quantitative Two-Way Data (1990) 7, 305-307
Kirakowski, J.: see Daley, D. (1990) 7, 149-150
Klauer, K. C.: see De Soete, G., et al. (1990) 7, 300-304
Korst, J.: see Aarts, E. (1990) 7, 124-128
Krishnaiah, P. R., Ed.: Handbook of Statistics 2: Classification,
     Pattern Recognition and Reduction of Dimensionality (1985)
     2, 277-281
Kroonenberg, P. M.: Three-Mode Principal Components Analysis
     (1984) 1, 133-138
Kruskal, J. B.: see Sankoff, D. (1984) 1, 281-285
Krzanowski, W. J.: Principles of Multivariate Analysis: A User's
     Perspective (1989) 6, 136-139
Lau, H. T.: Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms with FORTRAN
     (1988) 5, 138-139
Lavit, C.: Analyse Conjointe de Tableaux Quantitatifs (1989) 6,
Lawler, E. L., Lenstra, J. K., Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G., Shmoys, D.
     B., Eds.: The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Guided Tour of
     Combinatorial Optimization (1988) 5, 152-154
Lebart, L.: Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis (1985)
     2, 296-299
Lebart, L.: see Diday, E., et al. (1988) 5, 286-289
Lebeaux, M. O.: see Jambu, M. (1985) 2, 139-140
Lechevallier, Y.: see Celeux, G., et al. (1990) 7, 146-148
Legendre, L.: Numerical Ecology (1987) 4, 135-138
Legendre, L.: see Legendre, P. (1989) 6, 133-135
Legendre, P.: see Legendre, L. (1987) 4, 135-138
Legendre, P., Legendre, L.: Developments in Numerical Ecology
     (1989) 6, 133-135
Lenstra, J. K., Ed.: see O'hEigeartaigh, M. (1986) 3, 163-164
Lenstra, J. K.: see Lawler, E. L., et al. (1988) 5, 152-154
Lerman, S. R.: see Ben-Akiva, M. (1987) 4, 125-128
Leung, Y.: Spatial Analysis and Planning Under Imprecision (1990)
     7, 315-316
Levine, J. H.: Levine's Atlas of Corporate Interlocks, Volumes I
     and II (1987) 4, 118-122
Lingoes, J.: see Borg, I. (1988) 5, 302-304
Lorr, M.: Cluster Analysis for Social Scientists: Analyzing and
     Simplifying Complex Blocks of Data (1984) 1, 137-138
Lucertini, M., Ed.: see Ausiello, G. (1987) 4, 276-278
Luijben, T.: Statistical Guidance for Model Modification in
     Covariance Structure Analysis (1990) 7, 308-309
Luong, X., Ed.: Analyse Arbore des Donnes Textuelles/Tree
     Analysis of Textual Data (1991) 8, 280-281
Mandel, I. D.: Klasternyi Analyz (Cluster Analysis) (1990) 7,
Manly, B. F. J.: Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer
     (1988) 5, 299-301
Marcotorchino, J. F., Ed.: see Janssen, J. (1985) 2, 288-290
Marcotorchino, J. F., Proth, J. M., Janssen, J., Eds.: Data
     Analysis in Real Life Environment (1988) 5, 135-137
Marcotorchino, F.: see Janssen, J., et al. (1990) 7, 143-145
Marshall, K.: see Romesburg, H. C. (1985) 2, 133-137
Massart, D. L.: The Interpretation of Analytical Chemical Data
     (1984) 1, 280-280
McGill, M. E.: see Cleveland, W. S. (1990) 7, 115-118
McLachlan, G. J., Basford, K. E.: Mixture Models: Inference and
     Applications to Clustering (1988) 5, 105-107
McQuitty, L. L.: Pattern-Analytic Clustering: Theory, Method,
     Research and Configural Findings (1988) 5, 148-151
Meulman, J.: A Distance Approach to Nonlinear Multivariate
     Analysis (1987) 4, 265-269
Meulman, J.: see de Leeuw, J., et al. (1988) 5, 108-111
Mirkin, B. G.: Graphs and Genes (1984) 1, 275-277
Miyamoto, S.: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster
     Analysis (1991) 8, 284-286
Moore, D. M., Ed.: see Heywood, V. H. (1986) 3, 167-168
Morineau, A.: see Lebart, L. (1985) 2, 296-299
Mosteller, F.: Applied Bayesian and Classical Inference: The Case
     of the Federalist Papers (1987) 4, 111-114
Mukherjee, R.: Classification in Social Research (1986) 3,
Murtagh, F.: Multidimensional Clustering Algorithms (1987) 4,
Nakanishi, M.: see Cooper, L. G. (1990) 7, 297-299
O'hEigeartaigh, M., Ed.: Combinatorial Optimization: Annotated
     Bibliographies (1986) 3, 163-164
Ohly, H. P.: Software zur Clusteranalyse, Netzwerkanalyse und
     Verwandten Verfahren: Eine Commentierte Dokumentation (1986)
     3, 169-172
Ohsumi, N.: see Hayashi, C., et al. (1991) 8, 146-148
Opitz, O., Ed.: see Degens, P. O. (1987) 4, 270-271
Opitz, O., Ed.: Conceptual and Numerical Analysis of Data (1991)
     8, 282-283
Pages, J.: see Diday, E., et al. (1988) 5, 286-289
Pages, J.: see Escofier, B. (1989) 6, 297-298
Palka, Z.: see Karonski, M. (1990) 7, 139-140
Pao, Y.-H.: Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
     (1991) 8, 115-119
Pearce, P.: see Smithson, M. (1986) 3, 145-147
Pielou, E. C.: Interpretation of Ecological Data: A Primer on
     Classification and Ordination (1986) 3, 150-152
Powell, M. J. D.: Approximation Theory and Methods (1989) 6,
Press, W. H., Flannery, B. P., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W.
     T.: Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
     (1989) 6, 153-155
Proth, J. M., Ed.: see Janssen, J. (1985) 2, 288-290
Proth, J. M.: see Marcotorchino, J. F., et al. (1988) 5, 135-137
Proth, J. M.: see Janssen, J., et al. (1990) 7, 143-145
Quaintance, M. K.: see Fleishman, E. A. (1986) 3, 148-149
Ralambondrainy, H.: see Celeux, G., et al. (1990) 7, 146-148
Ratschek, H., Rokne, J.: New Computer Methods for Global
     Optimization (1991) 8, 129-131
Raynaud, H.: see Arrow, K. J. (1987) 4, 129-131
Reeve, M., Zenith, S. E., Eds.: Parallel Processing and
     Artificial Intelligence (1990) 7, 151-152
Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G., Ed.: see O'hEigeartaigh, M. (1986) 3,
Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G.: see Lawler, E. L., et al. (1988) 5,
Roberts, F. S., Ed.: Applications of Combinatorics and Graph
     Theory to the Biological and Social Sciences (1991) 8,
Rodin, S. N.: see Mirkin, B. G. (1984) 1, 275-277
Rogers, D. J.: see Abbott, L. A. (1987) 4, 132-134
Rokne, J.: see Ratschek, H. (1991) 8, 129-131
Romesburg, H. C.: User's Manual for CLUSTAR/CLUSTID Computer
     Programs for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (1985) 2, 133-137
Romesburg, H. C.: Cluster Analysis for Researchers (1985) 2,
Romney, A. K.: see Freeman, L. C., et al. (1990) 7, 291-296
Roskam, E. E., Suck, R., Eds.: Progress in Mathematical
     Psychology-I (1988) 5, 140-142
Rousseeuw, P. J.: see Kaufman, L. (1991) 8, 277-279
Sankoff, D.: Time Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules: The
     Theory and Practice of Sequence Comparison (1984) 1, 281-285
Saporta, G.: Probabilits, Analyse des Donnes et Statistique
     (1991) 8, 274-276
Saris, W. E., Gallhofer, I. N., Eds.: Sociometric Research VI:
     Data Collection and Scaling (1989) 6, 301-304
Schader, M.: see Gaul, W. (1988) 5, 297-298
Schader, M.: see Gaul, W. (1989) 6, 129-132
Schektman, Y.: see Diday, E., et al. (1988) 5, 286-289
Scott, J.: see Stokman, F. N. (1987) 4, 123-124
Scott-Ram, N. R.: Transformed Cladistics, Taxonomy and Evolution
     (1991) 8, 126-128
Seber, G. A. F.: Multivariate Observations (1986) 3, 135-137
Shaw, G., Wheeler, D.: Statistical Techniques in Geographical
     Analysis (1988) 5, 145-147
Shmoys, D. B.: see Lawler, E. L., et al. (1988) 5, 152-154
Shye, S.: Multiple Scaling; The Theory and Application of Partial
     Order Scalogram Analysis (1988) 5, 129-132
Slater, P. B.: Tree Representations of Internal Migration Flows
     and Related Topics (1985) 2, 141-143
Smith, S. M.: see Green, P. E., et al. (1989) 6, 279-284
Smithson, M.: Dimensions of Helping Behavior (1986) 3, 145-147
Sober, E.: Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution, and
     Inference (1991) 8, 122-125
Spaeth, H.: Cluster Dissection and Analysis: Theory, FORTRAN
     Programs, Examples (1987) 4, 139-141
Stokman, F. N.: Networks of Corporate Power (1987) 4, 123-124
Suck, R.: see Roskam, E. E. (1988) 5, 140-142
Teodorovic, D.: Transportation Networks: A Quantitative Approach
     (1989) 6, 292-294
Teukolsky, S. A.: see Press, W. H., et al. (1989) 6, 153-155
Tomassone, R.: see Diday, E., et al. (1988) 5, 286-289
Van Buggenhaut, J., Ed.: see Degreef, E. (1985) 2, 282-284
Van Der Heijden, P. G. M.: Correspondence Analysis of
     Longitudinal Categorical Data (1988) 5, 117-120
Van Der Leeden, R.: Reduced Rank Regression with Structured
     Residuals (1991) 8, 139-141
Van Laarhoven, P. J. M., Aarts, E. H. L.: Simulated Annealing:
     Theory and Applications (1988) 5, 126-128
Van Rijckevorsel, J.: The Application of Fuzzy Coding and
     Horseshoes in Multiple Correspondence Analysis (1988) 5,
van Rijckevorsel, J. L. A., de Leeuw, J., Eds.: Component and
     Correspondence Analysis (1989) 6, 140-144
Van Rijsbergen, C. J., Ed.: Research and Development in
     Information Retrieval (Proceedings of the third joint BCS
     and ACM symposium King's College, Cambridge) (1987) 4,
van Schuur, W. H.: see Jansen, M. G. H., (1990) 7, 129-133
Vetterling, W. T.: see Press, W. H., et al. (1989) 6, 153-155
Wallace, D. L.: see Mosteller, F. (1987) 4, 111-114
Warwick, K. M.: see Lebart, L. (1985) 2, 296-299
Weir, B. S.: Genetic Data Analysis, Methods for Discrete
     Population Genetic Data (1991) 8, 120-121
Wellman, B., Berkowitz, S. D., Eds.: Social Structures: A Network
     Approach (1988) 5, 293-296
Wheeler, D.: see Shaw, G. (1988) 5, 145-147
White, D. R.: see Freeman, L. C., et al. (1990) 7, 291-296
Wille, R., Ed.: Klassifikation und Ordnung, Tagungsband der 12.
     Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation e. V., 17
     - 19. Maerz 1988 (1989) 6, 285-286
Wilson, A. G., Bennett, R. J.: Mathematical Methods in Human
     Geography and Planning, Handbook of Applicable Mathematics,
     Guidebook 7 (1988) 5, 145-147
Wilson, R. J., Ed.: see Beineke, L. W. (1985) 2, 293-295
Zenith, S. E.: see Reeve, M. (1990) 7, 151-152
Ziedenberg, M.: Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence (1991)
     8, 115-119
Ziegler, R.: see Stokman, F. N. (1987) 4, 123-124

Book Reviews 1984-1991
Listed by Author of Review

Note: Click here to return to top of file
Altham, P. M. E.: Categorical Data Analysis, by A. Agresti (1991)
     8, 134-135
Anderson, C.: Eigenvalue Techniques for Qualitative Data, by A.
     Isra       ls (1989) 6, 147-152
Arabie, P.: Semiology of Graphics, by J. Bertin (1984) 1, 286-288
Banfield, J. D.: Mathematics in Remote Sensing, by S. R. Brooks
     (Ed.) (1990) 7, 313-314
Baum, B. R.: Numerical Ecology, by L. Legendre and P. Legendre
     (1987) 4, 135-138
Bentler, P. M.: Structural Equations with Latent Variables, by K.
     A. Bollen (1991) 8, 142-145
Blashfield, R. K.: Cluster Analysis for Social Scientists:
     Analyzing and Simplifying Complex Blocks of Data, by M. Lorr
     (1984) 1, 137-138
Blashfield, R. K.: Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to
     Cluster Analysis, by L. Kaufman and P. J. Rousseeuw (1991)
     8, 277-279
Bock, H. H.: Algorithms for Clustering Data, by A. K. Jain and R.
     C. Dubes (1989) 6, 126-128
Boeckenholt, U.: Progress in Mathematical Psychology-I, by E. E.
     Roskam and R. Suck (Eds.) (1988) 5, 140-142
Bowman, A. W.: The Collected Works of John W. Tukey, Volume V
     Graphics, by W. S. Cleveland (Ed.) (1991) 8, 132-133
Breiger, R. L.: Images of Social Stratification: Occupational
     Structures and Class, by A. P. M. Coxon and P. M. Davies,
     with C. L. Jones (1988) 5, 290-292
Brossier, G.: Les arbres et les representations des proximites,
     by J. P. Barthelemy and A. Guenoche (1988) 5, 283-285
Brossier, G.: Analyses Factorielles Simples et Multiples, by B.
     Escofier and J. Pages (1989) 6, 297-298
Bryant, P.: Anwendungen der Klassifikation: Datenanalyse und
     numerische Klassifikation. Proceedings der 8. Jahrestagung
     der Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation, e. V., Hofgeismar,
     10-13. April 1984. Teil 2 (Applications of Classification:
     Data Analysis and Numerical Classification, Proceedings of
     the 8th Annual Meeting Society for Classification,
     Hofgeismar, April 10-13, 1984, Part 2), by H.-H. Bock, (Ed.)
     (1985) 2, 291-292
Bryant, P. G.: Die Klassifikation und ihr Umfeld, (Proceedings of
     the 10th annual meeting of the German Classification
     Society, Muenster), by P. O. Degens, H. J. Hermes, and O.
     Opitz (Eds.) (1987) 4, 270-271
Bryant, P. G.: Klassifikation und Ordnung, Tagungsband der 12
     Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation e. V.,
     Darmstadt, 17.-19. Maerz 1988, by R. Wille (Ed.) (1989) 6,
Bryant, P. G.: Conceptual and Numerical Analysis of Data, by O.
     Opitz (Ed.) (1991) 8, 282-283
Carley, K. M.: Sociometric Research V1: Data Collection and
     Scaling, by W. E. Saris and I. N. Gallhofer (Eds.) (1989) 6,
Cermak, G. W.: Trends in Mathematical Psychology, by E. DeGreef
     and J. van Buggenhaut, (Eds.) (1985) 2, 282-284
Chang, W.-C.: Principles of Multivariate Analysis: A User's
     Perspective, by W. J. Krzanowski (1989) 6, 136-139
Church, R.: Transportation Networks: A Quantitative Approach, by
     D. Teodorovic (1989) 6, 292-294
Cliff, N.: The Many Faces of Multivariate Analysis: Proceedings
     of the SMABS-88 Conference held in Groningen, December
     18-21, by M. G. H. Jansen and W. H. van Schuur (1990) 7,
Coxon, A. P. M.: Classification as a Tool of Research, by W. Gaul
     and M. Schader (Eds.) (1988) 5, 297-298
Critchley, F.: Multivariate Observations, by G. A. F. Seber
     (1986) 3, 135-137
Critchley, F.: Multidimensional Scaling, by M. L. Davison (1986)
     3, 158-162
Critchley, F.: Multiple Scaling: The Theory and Application of
     Partial Order Scalogram Analysis, by S. Shye (1988) 5,
Critchley, F.: An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical
     Analysis, Second Edition, by T. W. Anderson (1988) 5,
Critchley, F.: Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific
     Computing, by W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky,
     and W. T. Vetterling (1989) 6, 153-155
Critchley, F.: Approximation Theory and Methods, by M. J. D.
     Powell (1989) 6, 156-158
Critchley, F.: Matrix Analysis, by R. A. Horn and C. R. Johnson
     (1989) 6, 305-306
Crovello, T. J.: Taxonomic Analysis in Biology: Computers, Models
     and Databases, by L. A. Abbott, F. A. Bisby, and D. J.
     Rogers (1987) 4, 132-134
Crowder, M.: Reduced Rank Regression with Structured Residuals,
     by R. van der Leeden (1991) 8, 139-141
Curnow, R. N.: Genetic Data Analysis, Methods for Discrete
     Population Genetic Data, by B. S. Weir (1991) 8, 120-121
Daws, J.: Data Analysis: The Ins and Outs of Solving Real
     Problems, by J. Janssen, F. Marcotorchino, and J. M. Proth
     (Eds.) (1990) 7, 143-145
Day, W. H. E.: Time Warps, String Edits, and Macromolecules: The
     Theory and Practice of Sequence Comparison, by D. Sankoff
     and J. B. Kruskal (Eds.) (1984) 1, 281-285
Day, W. H. E.: Combinatorial Optimization: Annotated
     Bibliographies, by M. O'hEigeartaigh, J. K. Lenstra, and A.
     H. G. Rinnooy Kan (Eds.) (1986) 3, 163-164
Day, W. H. E.: The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Guided Tour of
     Combinatorial Optimization, by E. L. Lawler, J. K. Lenstra,
     A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan, and D. B. Shmoys (Eds.) (1988) 5,
Day, W. H. E.: Graphs as Structural Models: The Application of
     Graphs and Multigraphs in Cluster Analysis, by E. Godehardt
     (1990) 7, 141-142
de Leeuw, J.: Advanced Methods of Data Exploration and Modelling,
     by B. S. Everitt and G. Dunn (1985) 2, 147-150
de Leeuw, J.: Canonical Analysis. A Review with Applications in
     Ecology, by R. Gittens (1985) 2, 285-287
de Leeuw, J.: Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis, by D.
     J. Bartholomew (1990) 7, 134-138
de Leeuw, J.: New Developments in Psychological Choice Modeling,
     by G. De Soete, H. Feger, and K. C. Klauer (Eds.) (1990) 7,
DeSarbo, W. S.: Cluster Dissection and Analysis: Theory, FORTRAN
     Programs, Examples, by H. Spth (1987) 4, 139-141
Dow, M. M.: Assignment Methods in Combinatorial Data Analysis, by
     L. J. Hubert (1987) 4, 245-252
Dubes, R. C.: Tree Representations of Internal Migration Flows
     and Related Topics, by P. B. Slater (1985) 2, 141-143
Dubes, R. C.: Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications, by P.
     J. M. van Laarhoven and E. H. L. Aarts (1988) 5, 126-128
Dubes, R. C.: Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines, by E.
     Aarts and J. Korst (1990) 7, 124-128
Escofier, B.: Analyse Conjointe Tableaux Quantitatifs, by C.
     Lavit (1989) 6, 299-300
Estabrook, G. F.: Current Concepts in Plant Taxonomy, by V. H.
     Heywood and D. M. Moore (Eds.) (1986) 3, 167-168
Everitt, B.: Statistical Guidance for Model Modification in
     Covariance Structure Analysis, by T. Luijben (1990) 7,
Feger, H.: Dimensions of Helping Behavior, by M. Smithson, P. A.
     Amato, and P. Pearce (1986) 3, 145-147
Felsenstein, J.: Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution,
     and Inference, by E. Sober (1991) 8, 122-125
Ferligoj, A.: Data Analysis and Informatics, V, Proceedings of
     the 5th International Symposium on Data Analysis and
     Informatics, Versailles (France), September 29-October 2,
     1987, by E. Diday (Ed.) (1990) 7, 153-158
Finkbeiner, C. T.: Three-Mode Principal Components Analysis, by
     P. M. Kroonenberg (1984) 1, 133-138
Fishburn, P. C.: Social Choice and Multicriterion
     Decision-Making, by K. J. Arrow and H. Raynaud (1987) 4,
Frank, O.: Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Combinatorial
     Problems, by G. Ausiello and M. Lucertini (Eds.) (1987) 4,
Friedman, H. P.: Cluster Analysis and Data Analysis, by M. Jambu
     and M. O. Lebeaux (1985) 2, 139-140
Furnas, G. W.: Three-way Scaling and Clustering, by P. Arabie, J.
     D. Carroll, and W. S. DeSarbo (1988) 5, 121-125
Galaskiewicz, J.: see Wasserman, S. (1987) 4, 118-122
Godehardt, E.: Applications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to
     the Biological and Social Sciences, by F. S. Roberts (Ed.)
     (1991) 8, 269-270
Golden, R.: The Classification of Psychopathology:
     Neo-Kraepelinian and Quantitative Approaches, by R. K.
     Blashfield (1989) 6, 159-161
Goodman, M.: Numerical Taxonomy, by J. Felsenstein, (Ed). (1985)
     2, 145-146
Gordon, A. D.: Data Analysis in Real Life Environment, by J. F.
     Marcotorchino, J. M. Proth, and J. Janssen (Eds.) (1988) 5,
Gordon, A. D.: The Method of Paired Comparisons, by H. A. David
     (1989) 6, 295-296
Green, B. F.: Scaling Methods, by P. Dunn-Rankin (1984) 1,
Greenacre, M.: A Distance Approach to Nonlinear Multivariate
     Analysis, by J. Meulman (1987) 4, 265-269
Griffith, B. C.: Research and Development in Information
     Retrieval, (Proceedings of the third Joint BCS and ACM
     symposium, King's College, Cambridge), by C. J. van
     Rijsbergen (Ed.) (1987) 4, 260-264
Haslett, J.: Dynamic Graphics for Statistics, by W. S. Cleveland
     and M. E. McGill (Eds.) (1990) 7, 115-118
Hathaway, R. J.: Spatial Analysis and Planning Under Imprecision,
     by Y. Leung (1990) 7, 315-316
Hathaway, R. J.: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster
     Analysis, by S. Miyamoto (1991) 8, 284-286
Hayashi, C.: Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis, by L.
     Lebart, A. Morineau and K. M. Warwick (1985) 2, 296-299
Heiser, W. J.: The User's Guide to Multidimensional Scaling, by
     A. P. M. Coxon (1984) 1, 271-274
Heiser, W. J.: Multidimensional Similarity Structure Analysis, by
     I. Borg and J. Lingoes (1988) 5, 302-304
Hopke, P. K.: The Interpretation of Analytic Chemical Data, by D.
     L. Massart and L. Kaufman (1984) 1, 280-280
Hopke, P. K.: Potential Pattern Recognition in Chemical and
     Medical Decision Making, by D. Coomans and I. Broeckaert
     (1988) 5, 143-144
Hubert, L.: Graphs and Genes, by B. G. Mirkin and S. N. Rodin
     (1984) 1, 275-277
Hutchinson, J. W.: Multidimensional Data Analysis, by J. de
     Leeuw, W. Heiser, J. Meulman, F. Critchley (Eds.) (1988) 5,
Iacobucci, D.: Social Structures: A Network Approach, by B.
     Wellman and S. D. Berkowitz (Eds.) (1988) 5, 293-296
Isleib, R. A.: see Blashfield, R. K. (1984) 1, 137-138
Jeffers, J. N. R.: Principal Component Analysis, by G. H.
     Dunteman (1991) 8, 136-138
Jones, C. L.: Classification in Social Research, by R. Mukherjee
     (1986) 3, 173-173
Jones, L. E.: Facet Theory: Approaches to Social Research, by D.
     Canter (Ed.) (1986) 3, 138-144
Kamensky, V.: Klasternyi Analyz (Cluster Analysis), by I. D.
     Mandel (1990) 7, 119-123
Kendall, A. J.: Cluster Analysis, by M. S. Aldenderfer and R. K.
     Blashfield (1986) 3, 153-157
Krzanowski, W.: Handbook of Statistics 2: Classification, Pattern
     Recognition and Reduction of Dimensionality, by P. R.
     Krishnaiah and L. N. Kanal, (Eds). (1985) 2, 277-281
Krzanowski, W.: Applied Bayesian and Classical Inference: The
     Case of the Federalist Papers, by F. Mosteller and D. L.
     Wallace (1987) 4, 111-114
Lebart, L.: Correspondence Analysis of Longitudinal Categorical
     Data, by P. G. M. van der Heijden (1988) 5, 117-120
Lebart, L.: Three-Way Methods for the Analysis of Qualitative and
     Quantitative Two-Way Data, by H. A. L. Kiers (1990) 7,
Legendre, P.: Data Analysis and Informatics, IV, by E. Diday, Y.
     Escoufier, L. Lebart, J. Pag
s, Y. Schektman, and R.
     Tomassone (Eds.) (1988) 5, 286-289
Levine, J. H.: Networks of Corporate Power, by F. N. Stokman, R.
     Ziegler, and J. Scott (1987) 4, 123-124
Ling, R. F.: Random Graphs '85, by M. Karonski and Z. Palka
     (Eds.) (1990) 7, 139-140
McDonald, R. P.: Principal Component Analysis, by I. T. Jolliffe
     (1987) 4, 256-259
McDonald, R. P.: Common Principal Components and Related
     Multivariate Methods, by B. Flury (1990) 7, 310-312
Milligan, G. W.: User's Manual for CLUSTER/CLUSTID Computer
     Programs for Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, by H. C.
     Romesburg and K. Marshall; Cluster Analysis for Researchers,
     by H. C. Romesburg (1985) 2, 133-137
Milligan, G. W.: Classification Algorithms, by M. James (1987) 4,
Milligan, G. W.: Pattern-Analytic Clustering: Theory, Method,
     Research and Configural Findings, by L. L. McQuitty (1988)
     5, 148-151
Milligan, G. W.: Discriminant Analysis and Clustering, by the
     Panel on Discriminant Analysis and Clustering-R.
     Gnanadesikan, Chairman (1989) 6, 287-291
Molenaar, I. W.: Expert Systems Introduced, by D. Daley, with F.
     Bannister, and J. Kirakowski (1990) 7, 149-150
Monjardet, B.: Selected Topics in Graph Theory 2, by L. W.
     Beineke and R. J. Wilson (Eds.) (1985) 2, 293-295
Murtagh, F.: Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms with FORTRAN, by
     H. T. Lau (1988) 5, 138-139
Murtagh, F.: New Trends in Data Analysis and Applications, by J.
     Janssen, J. F. Marcotorchino and J. M. Proth (Eds.) (1985)
     2, 288-290
Murtagh, F.: Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions, by W. Gaul and
     M. Schader (Eds.) (1989) 6, 129-132
Murtagh, F.: Parallel Processing and Artificial Intelligence, by
     M. Reeve and S. E. Zenith (Eds.) (1990) 7, 151-152
Murtagh, F.: Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, by
     Y.-H. Pao; Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence, by M.
     Ziedenberg (1991) 8, 115-119
Nishisato, S.: The Application of Fuzzy Coding and Horseshoes in
     Multiple Correspondence Analysis, by J. van Rijckevorsel
     (1988) 5, 112-116
Nishisato, S.: Component and Correspondence Analysis, by J. L. A.
     van Rijckevorsel and J. de Leeuw (Eds.) (1989) 6, 140-144
Okada, A.: Classification and Related Methods of Data Analysis,
     by H.-H. Bock (Ed.) (1989) 6, 121-125
Pattison, P.: Research Methods in Social Network Analysis, by L.
     C. Freeman, D. R. White, and A. K. Romney (Eds.) (1990) 7,
Perruchet, C.: Classification Automatique des Donnees:
     Environnement Statistique et Informatique, by G. Celeux, E.
     Diday, G. Govaert, Y. Lechevallier, and H. Ralambondrainy
     (1990) 7, 146-148
Raudys, S.: Recent Developments in Clustering and Data Analysis
     (Proceedings of the Japanese-French Scientific Seminar
     Conducted on March 24-26, 1987, in Tokyo), by C. Hayashi, E.
     Diday, M. Jambu, and N. Ohsumi (Eds.) (1991) 8, 146-148
Ripley, B. D.: Simulated Annealing (SA) & Optimization: Modern
     Algorithms with VLSI, Optimal Design and Missile Defense
     Applications, by M. E. Johnson (Ed.) (1990) 7, 287-290
Rohlf, F. J.: Developments in Numerical Ecology, by P. Legendre
     and L. Legendre (1989) 6, 133-135
Rousseau, P.: Analyse Arboree des Donnees Textuelles/Tree
     Analysis of Textual Data, by X. Luong (Ed.) (1991) 8,
Roux, M.: Exploration Informatique et Statistique des Donnees, by
     M. Jambu; Probabilites, Analyse des Donnees et Statistique,
     by G. Saporta (1991) 8, 274-276
Saporta, G.: Theory and Application of Correspondence Analysis,
     by M. J. Greenacre (1986) 3, 165-166
Sen, T. K.: Taxonomies of Human Performance, by E. A. Fleishman
     and M. K. Quaintance (1986) 3, 148-149
Sneath, P. H. A.: Transformed Cladistics, Taxonomy and Evolution,
     by N. R. Scott-Ram (1991) 8, 126-128
Sokal, R. R.: Methods in Microbiology. Vol. 19. Current Methods
     for Classification and Identification of Microorganisms, by
     R. R. Colwell and R. Grigorova (Eds.) (1989) 6, 145-146
Sonquist, J. A.: Software zur Clusteranalyse, Netzwerkanalyse und
     Verwandten Verfahren: Eine Commentierte Dokumentation, by H.
     P. Ohly, H.-H. Bock, and D. Bender (1986) 3, 169-172
Swofford, D. L.: Interpretation of Ecological Data: A Primer on
     Classification and Ordination, by E. C. Pielou (1986) 3,
ten Berg, J. M. F.: Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer,
     by B. F. J. Manly (1988) 5, 299-301
ter Braak, C. J. F.: Multivariate Analysis of Ecological
     Communities, by P. G. N. Digby and R. A. Kempton (1991) 8,
Thompson, P. A.: Market-Share Analysis, by L. G. Cooper and M.
     Nakanishi (1990) 7, 297-299
Wartenberg, D.: Cluster Mystery: Epidemic and the Children of
     Woburn, Mass., by P. DiPerna (1987) 4, 272-275
Wartenberg, D.: Statistical Techniques, in Geographical Analysis,
     by G. Shaw and D. Wheeler; Mathematical Methods in Human
     Geography and Planning, Handbook of Applicable Mathematics,
     Guidebook 7, by A. G. Wilson and R. J. Bennett (1988) 5,
Wasserman, S., Galaskiewicz, J.: Levine's Atlas of Corporate
     Interlocks, Volumes I and II, by J. H. Levine (1987) 4,
Weber, E. U.: Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Application to
     Travel Demand, by M. Ben-Akiva and S. R. Lerman (1987) 4,
Weinberg, S. L.: Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and
     Applications, by P. E. Green, F. J. Carmone, and S. M. Smith
     (1989) 6, 279-284
Willett, P.: Multidimensional Clustering Algorithms, by F.
     Murtagh (1987) 4, 253-255
Windham, M. P.: Mixture Models: Inference and Applications to
     Clustering, by G. J. McLachlan and K. E. Basford (1988) 5,
Wright, M. H.: New Computer Methods for Global Optimization, by
     H. Ratschek and J. Rokne (1991) 8, 129-131
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