
Two half-day short courses will be offered on 13 June:

  1. Finite Mixture Models, Stanley L. Sclove, University of Illinois - Chicago

  2. A Combinatorial Introduction to Cluster Analysis, Melvin Janowitz, DIMACS, Rutgers University.

Technical sessions are scheduled for 14, 15 and 16 June. Invited speakers include Jana Asher, Lenore Cowen, Luc Devroye, David Dubin, David Holmes, Jurek Jaworski, Dean Judson, Paul Kantor, Ingo Ruczinski, Yves Thibodeau, and Stanley Young. In addition, sessions in memory of John van Ryzin and Mark Rorvig are planned.

A welcome reception is scheduled for the evening of 13 June and the meeting banquet is scheduled for the evening of 14 June.