Eleven IFCS conferences have been held: at Aachen, Germany (1987), Charlottesville, USA (1989), Edinburgh, Scotland (1991), Paris, France (1993), Kobe, Japan (1996), Rome, Italy (1998), Namur, Belgium (2000), Cracow, Poland (2002), Chicago, Illinois (2004), Ljubljana, Slovenia (2006), and Dresden, Germany (2009).
The IFCS-2011 conference will be organized in conjunction with the 2011 annual meeting of GfKl (jointly organized with the German Association for Pattern Recognition DAGM) from August 30 to September 2, 2011 in Frankfurt (Germany). In particular, a one-day IFCS Symposium will be organized on 30th August, 2011 (i.e., the day before the actual GfKl-DAGM meeting), with IFCS keynote speakers, IFCS plenary and parallel sessions, and the IFCS Presidential address.
Participants of the IFCS symposium will also attend the actual GfKl/DAGM conference from 31st August until 2nd September, 2011 for which IFCS will act as the international partner of GfKl. Participants of the IFCS symposium may submit papers for the GfKl/DAGM conference, for which IFCS can also nominate invited speakers. More information on the IFCS-2011 conference will be included in the forthcoming IFCS Newsletter. Please mark the conference dates already now in your calendar!
Chikio Hayashi Awards Program
The IFCS provides awards to promising researchers who are in the early stages of their professional careers, as a support for attending an IFCS conference. Guidelines and applications can be downloaded from this page.
Conference Listings
- GfKl