Ten IFCS conferences have been held: at Aachen, Germany (1987), Charlottesville, USA (1989), Edinburgh, Scotland (1991), Paris, France (1993), Kobe, Japan (1996), Rome, Italy (1998), Namur, Belgium (2000), Cracow, Poland (2002), Chicago, Illinois (2004), and Ljubljana, Slovenia (2006).
The next IFCS Conference will take place March 13-18, 2009 in Dresden, Germany. For more information about the meeting consult the IFCS 09 web site.
Other upcoming conferences
- The 2007 CSNA meeting is scheduled for June 7 - 10, 2007, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- CARME-2007: Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods is scheduled for June 25 - 27, 2007 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- The International Statistical Institute 56th Biennial Session in Lisboa is scheduled for August 22 - 29, 2007 in Lisboa, Portugal.
- COMPSTAT 2008: International Conference on Computational Statistics is scheduled for August 24-29, 2008 in Porto, Portugal.
- SFC 2007: XIVe Rencontre de la Société Francophone de Classification is scheduled for September 05 - 07, 2007 in Paris, France.
- The 2007 SIS CLADAG meeting is scheduled for September 12-14, at the University of Macerata.
Conference Listings
- GfKl